Monday, June 8, 2015

THE QUEEN B..........

Sometimes it takes a while for things to come together to make a finished piece of art, such was the case for the Queen. I tried a gazillion papers for the background, and nothing did it for me.

 I am a little late on the Stampotique Designers Challenge, SDC 197, Tin Is In. I knew exactly what I was going to make, but I just couldn't get it all together for a finished piece. This background was made following Kate Crane and her Journal Soup class and was sitting on my desk. (Truth be told, I have been struggling with the tech's used in the class to come up with a great background, finally accomplished it on this one....and just liked looking at it!  LOL, thought I'd try to re-create this in other colors kinda' thing now that I finally got it.) So it jumped up and said, hey girl.......use me!!, and here it is.

Isn't she amazing, Mz. Queen Butterfly!

The B'fly is a tim die, I used metal, then painted it with black paint, embossed, sanded and added metallic pens back on for color.  The wings are curled slightly on the corners for dimension.  Of course you know this is Queen of Everything, by who else but Kate!  I'm going to frame this and put it on my wall as a true "feel good" accomplishment.

Have a super week everyone!  hugz...



  1. Fabulous piece Gerrie ! Love how you turned her into a butterfly !
    Corrie x

  2. Stunning piece, I can see why you'd want to frame it! It may have taken awhile to come together, but then end result is totally WOW!

  3. I love the background with Miss Queen Bee! It's perfect!

  4. If you know me, you know that the word "stunning" rarely appears in print. I must make an exception to that here, Gerrie, as this piece is absolutely that--stunning! Your Queen "B" is a work of art, my friend. I hope you do frame it and display it so you can be reminded often of how very talented you are! Mwah!

  5. Soooo Fun, Gerrie!! This is going to look spectacular framed!! It's a smile producer for sure!! XOXO-Shari

  6. A fabulous creation Gerrie!!! And about your background made a long time ago and the result with it now, here in France we have an expression which is "c'est dans les vieux pots qu'on fait les meilleures soupes!" Get the translation LOL. :D xxx

  7. Gerri... She so suits being a butterfly queen! It's a work of art, so full of colour! Thank you for joining in the fun at the SDC blog

  8. This is fabulopus Gerrie, I love the vibrant colours WOW :D


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