Wednesday, December 30, 2015

GOODBYE Sweet Blog!

Yes, I am leaving my years of blogging behind as I start a new year.....Welcome 2016!

I have always felt blogging was a big PIA, so I am letting go and will just post on Facebook..........a new year, a new beginning.

My last blog post will be something NEW.  I signed up for a couple of classes on Craftsy, the first being a Mixed Media class with Marjie Kemper.  It's a great class, it's holding my interest and I am learning new stuff and making art.  Can't ask for more.

My first journal pages using several tech's from the class.

It's been a great ride.........See you on FB!  Happy New Year everyone.


  1. Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing your AWESOME artwork!!

  2. Happy new Year ! hope you'll have heaps of fun in 2016 !
    Corrie x

  3. Wishing you lots of fun and joy with your continuing adventures on Facebook - I'll miss your work (as a non-Facebooker) - but what a joyous page spread to finish off with. I bought it, but I still haven't had time to do Marjie's class, but this has really made me want to start.

    Happy New Year!
    Alison x

  4. Sweetie, if you're going to be on FB, you need to tell me your FB name as I didn't know you were on it. I won't say goodbye, cause it's just another medium and I will see you there. Have a Happy New Year!

  5. Happy New Year. See you on Facebook. Fab journal piece . Tracy x X

  6. I've been struggling with the whole social media thing--Facebook, Blogger, Google Connect+ etc. I can't do it all and do all of it justice. Glad to see you made your own decision! I too will be taking some on-line classes in 2016. Sounds like we're birds of a feather! Helene

  7. Oh my goodness I will miss your blog! I totally understand though - I've majorly neglected my blog as well. It certainly is hugely time consuming. Glad to see you are having fun with your art! Best wishes for the new year! - Jean

  8. Hi, Gerri...I am privileged to already be a Facebook friend, but I have to say I am disappointed that your are closing up your blog. I really have enjoyed it. You have always had just the right mix of narrative, photos and art (a lot of us have that lop-sided). If you are going to be submitting work for challenges, how will you "link back" if you don't have a blog? I have often thought about letting my go, but figured I had to have it for the challenges. I hope 2016 is a grand year for you, my friend! Mwah!!

  9. Happy New Year to you, Gerrie!! It's going to be sad to see you leave the blogosphere, but it's completely understandable! At least we can still visit you and see what you're up to on FB :) :)
    I took Marjie's online class, too--Isn't she so gentle and lovely teaching her class?! :) Cheers to you, Gerrie!! I've so enjoyed being on the AO DT with you and will come and visit on FB :) :) XOXO-Shari


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